"The universe is made of stories, not of atoms."
—Muriel Rukeyser

A 5 star (or heart) review for Forecast was posted on The Romance Reader last week

You may have to hunt for this one since the publishing date was November 2007, but it is worth the search. Forecast is a delightful spoof on weathermen, love and psychic phenomena.

(The rather-long book synopsis bit can be found here)

This book made me laugh. There is no greater compliment I can give to a book that is written in this tongue-in-cheek manner. The characters jump off the pages and the scenarios are unique. Yes, you have to suspend belief and accept that these people think they talk to dead people and see auras and have powers that most normal folks would laugh at. But they are believable. There are a few secondary story lines about Gwen, Lilia and Rowie’s best friend Angel. Angel is an Aussie who can only be described as a hoot.

Forecast is one of those books that I didn’t think I would like when I read the cover and kept putting off reading. Now that I have, I can only hope that I will go back to it when I need a chuckle. I also hope you can still find it. I would hate to think you missed out on the fun.

--Shirley Lyons

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