"The universe is made of stories, not of atoms."
—Muriel Rukeyser


Noire was featured in PW’s cover story, “The New E-in Erotica,” by Sarah J. Robbins, along with the cover of her first anthology, From the Streets to the Sheets, and this comment from her Ballantine editor: “According to Ballantine senior editor Melody Guy, one reason for the category’s success is the authors’ promotional savvy. At Ballantine’s One World imprint, the biggest erotica author, says Guy, is ‘far and away Noire,’ whose 2005 debut novel, G-Spot, continues to backlist strongly. Coming next month is a story collection, From the Streets to the Sheets: Urban Erotic Quickies, which will be followed next spring by Hittin’ the Bricks, also a forthcoming Noire movie. Noire’s popularity, says Guy, ‘steams from the fact that she combined two genres in a way that no one else had—street lit and erotica—and appealed to fans of both genres.’ She also, Guy adds, has a team of fans across the country that helps to promote her books, and she has a significant online presence…”

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