"The universe is made of stories, not of atoms."
—Muriel Rukeyser

Become a Writer!


And become a writer! Over the next months, I will bring you excerpts from my book about making the career change to full-time creativity. It’s a transformation that requires 110% of your resources, including your time. I hope what I went through personally can help you accelerate the process. Love
to answer specific questions you might have along the way.

The Author's Real Life Experiences and Real Answers for You!
By Donald Mitchell "a Practical Optimist" (Boston)

I always find self-help books to be the most useful when the author has accomplished something more difficult than what I am seeking to do. The lessons from a more challenging transition always seem to make it more obvious to me what I should do.

Top film producer, author and agent, Dr. Kenneth Atchity, has been there and done that. He turned his back on lifetime tenure as a respected professor at Occidental College in Los Angeles to become a creative force and deal-maker in both Hollywood and New York. Why? He wanted to live his dreams . . . rather than be merely secure.

As I often say to friends, I'd rather be exhausted than bored. Dr. Atchity seems to operate on the same wavelength. . . Continue reading the review and buy How to Escape Lifetime Security on Amazon here.

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