Waterford, Michigan - 20/4/2010 - Our Plush toy was created from the famous and inspiring "Puppy Faith" picture when she first stood up on her two legs in the snow. Cher Marketing Inc., who holds the contract to sell Faith Inspirational Products, contacted Beverly Hills Teddy Bear Company to create and manufacture a huggable and lovable "Puppy Faith" plush stuffed animal. Faith the incredible bipedal dog has been seen on many media outlets such as Oprah, Montel Williams, Animal Planet, Ripley's Believe It Or Not and so many others. A portion of all proceeds will go to help animals in need.
"Puppy Faith" is 10 inches tall with a removable heart shaped ear tag that reads: My name is "Faith" and I am a “two legged” dog. People say I am special because I can walk. My mom says, “You Do Not Need to Be Born Physically Perfect to Be Perfect”. Thank you for being my friend. You can order your "Puppy Faith" at www.chermarketing.com or call us at 248-674-9339 today. The plush toy will be ready for shipment around May 20th 2010. The cost of "Puppy Faith" is $14.99 plus shipping and handling. The safety and quality of this product is guaranteed by the manufacturer.
Not everyone will get the opportunity to meet Faith in person but they can still be inspired by having their own "Puppy Faith to love and hold. Faith is such an incredible and inspiring dog and she brings out the best in all of us. Her message of Hope, Determination & Inspiration is spreading around the world aboard "The Faith Train" go to www.boardthefaithtrain.com and "Get On Board". You can also go to Faith's official site at www.faiththedog.info. Cher Marketing and Faith's owner, Jude Stringfellow, are proud to partner up with animal rescue organizations to help animals in need. "Everyone Needs A Little Faith".
Cher Marketing grew out of the promotional needs of our corporate customers. Our customers need to put their logo or message onto items to brand and to promote their business. We answer this need with top quality service, printing and a great selection. Cher Marketing Inc. has been providing quality goods and services for over 17 years.
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