"The universe is made of stories, not of atoms."
—Muriel Rukeyser

President Emeritus Richard Gilman Dies at Age 92

Named Occidental's tenth president in 1965, by the time Gilman retired in 1988 after 23 years of distinguished service he had signed more than half of the diplomas the College awarded during its first century.

Occidental College President Emeritus Richard GilmanI kept in touch with Richard Gilman over the years, the President of Occidental when I was there. He was a constant encouragement to continue pushing the envelope—despite complaints from fellow faculty that “I was doing too much.” “You’ll never have a problem with me,” he said. “Keep doing what you’re doing.” He was indeed constantly working the room, introducing himself as “President Gilman.” One Beverly Hills matron responded: “President of what?” I loved that. May he rest in that great Ivory Tower in the sky.

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