"The universe is made of stories, not of atoms."
—Muriel Rukeyser

EXCERPT: Panic Attack by Dennis Palumbo

Read Excerpt Here

A shooter takes deadly aim, and throws a city into panic Psychologist Daniel Rinaldi is no stranger to trauma. A survivor of not one, but two attempts on his life by a deranged killer, the therapist also counsels trauma patients in his private practice, and contracts with the Pittsburgh Police to help victims of violent crime cope with their experience. When a sports mascot is gunned down mid-field by a sniper at a college football game he attends, Rinaldi becomes an accidental yet integral part of the investigation. To begin with, the victim in the costume is not the person who was supposed to be wearing it. 

Thiller fans, don't miss the newest Daniel Rinaldi mystery:  http://bit.ly/3q9WVh5

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