"The universe is made of stories, not of atoms."
—Muriel Rukeyser

Story Merchant E-Book Deal Tony Molina's South Texas Drag

FREE  August 12 to August 16

Take a trip through the South Texas terrain through the eyes of drug runner, Toño Garcia. His distinctive South Texas slang adds a unique charm to this dark story, but the appeal and originality doesn’t stop there. This guy knows more about style than Carrie Bradshaw, which adds massive flavor and a whole new twist to a tale about “crime as a way of life” in South Texas.

Toño sets the mood of every scene by describing the sagebrush and cactuses, the 100-degree heat, the dusty roads, and winding rivers. He sets the mood, too, cluing us into memories, his history. These tales—from the time he had to smuggle prize-winning horse jizz across the border, to the 55-gallon tanks that serve as human caskets for his “colleagues” the Bass brothers when drug deals go wrong—come together to show us that Toño is trapped, but surviving the best he can.

Toño puts on his favorite Bed Stu boots for this particular job—he must kidnap the girlfriend of El Commandante, in order to save his own life. Toño killed the one of the cartel’s son’s six months back in self-defense with his lucky tanto blade. You see, ain’t nobody better with a knife than Toño, expect maybe his uncle, El Maestro, the man who ordered this job.

Toño can’t go this alone. He calls on his crew: Rigo and Paco, and Jay—a bigtime ex con, old school drug runner, retired now, most of the time. Loyalty and self-preservation are everything to these guys. After all, that’s all they’ve got, well, that and drug running.
But things don’t go as planned. The girl they kidnap is not “the girlfriend.” It appears the whole job is a setup. Toño must go off the grid, in order to save his bros, his crew, his own life. Just another day in South Texas.

What readers are saying about South Texas Drag

Loved the book! I love the way the author paints pictures so vividly with just words. Everything he described brought the image to mind. The language and dialogue were spot on. Interesting characters, good, strong plot and a story that just flowed. A real page turner. I hope there is a sequel or even a prequel. Should be very interesting since I am strangely bonded with the characters. I want to know more about them. ~Norma

... first effort at writing fiction and 
it is extremely good. Not only is his story telling accomplished...but the book is also well edited. ~Larry Wattson

Suspenseful development of a likable character. 
Plot twists and ironic turns keeps the reader engaged and turning pages to learn what happens next. A very good read! ~Amazon Reader

I couldn't put it down. This book is 
filled with suspense as the reader is immersed in the seedy culture of the south border drug trade. The author creates vivid characters who jump to life and have you on the edge of your seat. This book is a real page turner. Highly recommended! ~Rick Wade

What an absolute blast this book was to read. It is different from anything else out there and so engaging. You can't help but admire, and respect this crew of funny, complex, and very real criminals. Deep South Texas is truly a world unto itself, and this book captures it perfectly. Tony Molina, you create vivid imagery with your style and masterful use of language. As a fellow Texas LEO, I can see your police background in your writing, and I bet your incident reports were fun to read back in the day. You have chosen the right path for your next career....I look forward to more great stories from you! ~Pete Bacon

Tony Molina profile image

About the author

Tony Molina was born in Laredo, Texas. He lived in the small town of Zapata where the setting of the novel was canvassed. Tony's debut novel captures the imagination of the reader with intimate imagery and unique language. Tony became a police officer in Arlington, TX and spent 13 years working with the SWAT Team and four years as an undercover detective. His experience as a vice and narcotic detective and SWAT member was invaluable in creating an intimate and authentic portrayal of the South Texas Drag a way of life. He is retired and "living the dream" as they say.

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