"The universe is made of stories, not of atoms."
—Muriel Rukeyser

Silver's Reviews Gives Leo Daughtry's Talmadge Far, Five Stars


1950’s -1960’s - North Carolina - things are changing, but also staying the same.

Three families - one rich tobacco farm owner and two sharecroppers.

Gordon Talmadge has no regard for his sharecroppers or anyone that is in a lower class than he is.His son is exactly like him. When his son Junior gets in a confrontation with the sharecropper’s son, who do you think everyone will believe?

Talmadge Farm kept me turning the pages with Mr. Daughtry’s descriptive writing and wonderful characters.You will become part of the character’s lives - their sorrows and their joys.

It does have more sorrows for most of the characters than joys, but historical fictions fans will enjoy Talmadge Farm as you live through what was happening and changing in the South during this time and with wealthy landowners and those who worked for them.

In the end, though, you will be left with a warm feeling because of the closeness the families share and their hopefulness. 5/5

via Silver's Reviews

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