"The universe is made of stories, not of atoms."
—Muriel Rukeyser

Story Merchant E-Book Deals: Martin Ott's The Interrogator's Notebook

 #FREE December 30 - January 3!  


An interrogator last assignment pushes him to the brink in this suspense thriller.

Story Merchant Books presents the debut novel Interrogator’s Notebook from prize-winning author and blogger Martin Ott. A former U.S. Army interrogator, Martin Ott uses his real-world experience and meticulous research in creating the character of Norman Kross, a master interrogator skilled at unlocking others’ secrets but blind to the truth of his relationship with his wife, sons, father and friends.

In the novel, Norman Kross is a career interrogator who has worked covertly in some of the most dangerous places in the world. It’s taken its toll, though. He returns to his Los Angeles home, contemplating retirement and coming to terms with his past in his Interrogator’s Notebook.

Floundering as a teacher, Norman agrees to take on one last assignment, to interrogate the character actor George Stark who may be responsible for the death of a director’s daughter. Armed with cunning, deceit and a deadly past, the actor poses an escalating challenge, and a terrifying threat to everything Norman has ever cared about.

For the author, the heated debate surrounding enhanced interrogation techniques and the role of the interrogator in protecting our national interests provides the backdrop to this crossover literary/suspense novel. But it is the personal life of a man pushed to the brink of his and societal moralities, and the choices he makes that is at the heart of this story.

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