"The universe is made of stories, not of atoms."
—Muriel Rukeyser



Frances Angelina's Virtuepops Series of Children's Books


In this first bountiful book, you learn that virtues are simply good feelings and emotions that we all need to have inner peace and happy hope. Angelina's educational virtues book is a life skills book that can open locked doors for self-help, and helping others, by exercising the victorious virtues.     

In Frances Angelina's Bobble Pops Series, you learn that virtues are simply good feelings and emotions that we all need to have inner peace and happy hope. The Virtues of Acceptance, Blessings, Cleanliness, Discipline, and Empathy come to life in fun, positive, and educational manners, by the Bobble Pops and Paradise Animals. Through daily learning, teaching, and modeling this book’s valuable virtues, you help your child/student gain values that benefit them in all stages of their life.                 

Are you looking for a book that helps you and your children acquire good feelings and peaceful emotions? If so, here is a happy gift wrapped in love to feel your best. The Virtue of Faith, exercise, and sports are highlighted in this first book of my “Thank you for Rainbow Adventures 8 Book Series” educational virtues books. Be excited to learn that faith is an important emotional learning life skill to be used as a daily happy healthy habit. 

About the author

My self-help and educational virtue books teach healthy happy habits that I call victorious virtues like faith, charity (sharing), perseverance, patience, love, respect, being humble, and being truthful. Please be a happy POP and join our #ValueVirtue movement. www.virtuepopsineducationandmore.study

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