"The universe is made of stories, not of atoms."
—Muriel Rukeyser

Under Consideration for International Impact Award Author of the Year - Frances Angelina!

Featuring Act 6 of Frances Angelina's Virtue Pops in Education and More series of children's books!

In Frances Angelina's Bobble Pops Series, you learn that virtues are simply good feelings and emotions that we all need to have inner peace and happy hope. The Virtues of Acceptance, Blessings, Cleanliness, Discipline, and Empathy come to life in fun, positive, and educational manners, by the Bobble Pops and Paradise Animals. Through daily learning, teaching, and modeling this book’s valuable virtues, you help your child/student gain values that benefit them in all stages of their life.         

The combined results from public voting and the judging panel will determine the finalists and the winner. CAST YOUR VOTE HERE:   https://internationalimpactbookawards.com/public-voting-form/

Finalists will be announced by May 15, 2025, and invited to attend the Grand Gala in Hollywood in person, where the Author of the Year 2025 will be revealed and celebrated.

Where you can find Frances Angelina:

Website:  https://virtuepopsineducationandmore.study/

Facebook:  https://www.facebook.com/VirtuePopsinEducationVirtueBooks/

Twitter:   https://x.com/VirtuepopsnEdu

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Instagram:  https://www.instagram.com/virtuepopsineducation/

YOUTUBE:  https://www.youtube.com/@virtuepopsineducationandmore/channels

AUTHOR SPOTLIGHT: Interview with P.E. Klein Author of the Invisible Hand

P.E. Klein – Author Interview 

“Think you’ve got what it takes to crack the code?”

The Invisible Hand – P.E. Klein

After recently reading The Invisible Hand by P.E. Klein and being blown away by its detail and mystery, it feels an honour to be finding out more about this author, including his favourite character in his debut, how long it took him to write said debut (disclaimer: it was FAST) and his favourite thing about being an author. You can read my review of The Invisible Hand here!

1. The Invisible Hand has so much happening all of the time (in the best way!) I imagine planning the book looked a little bit like an evidence board… How long did writing the book take, from the very first ideas to the final draft?

Alfred Hitchcock and his writers used a “set piece” approach (creating impactful scenes, then linking them together to create a story) to plot many of his films. I loosely followed that same writing strategy. The book took five months to write. During that time, I researched or wrote three hours each day. It took much longer (and was far more difficult) to navigate the many professional editorial cycles.

2. The Pareto girls are such memorable characters! How did you come up with the idea for them?

The characters are a product of my imagination. However, like many fictional characters, their actions and traits are inspired by real life people.

3. Which was your favourite character to create, and why?

Charlie is my favorite. I wanted to create a brilliant but flawed character. She misjudges everything, but things turn out fine for her in the end

4. Tell us about any plans you have for the next two books! Are they already plotted out?

The next two books of the trilogy are finished. Reader response to the first book will determine if they are published.

5. What three things do you think make a great story?

Relatable characters, fast moving plot and plenty of surprises.

6. Who is your favourite author and what is your favourite book of all time?

Impossible to pick just one, but Joseph Heller’s “Catch-22” is a masterpiece.

7. What’s your favourite thing about being an author?

I write for my two (now adult) daughters who seem to enjoy my quirky humor. I love hearing what they have to say.

8. Where do you see yourself in 5 years time?

I see myself spending even more time in Rome.

9. When you’re not writing, what do you like to do?https://aquintillionwords.com/2023/09/25/p-e-klein-author-interview/

International Latin ballroom dancing. I dance almost every day.

10. What’s one piece of advice you’d give to new authors?

Do not compromise on editorial talent. Editors are critical members of your team.

About the author

Paul Eric Klein lives a quiet life in Menlo Park, California. He has two adult daughters who should not be compared to the quirky and flawed characters in his books. The Invisible Hand is the first installment of a three-book series featuring the Pareto sisters.

via A Quintillion Words

A Quintillion Words Five Star Review for P.E. Klein's The Invisible Hand!

 Overall Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐

“Think you’ve got what it takes to crack the code?”

A good, involving mystery is hard to find, but I’ve definitely found one in the form of The Invisible Hand! Even though it’s quite full on at times, it really is worth sticking with. Filled with wit, suspense and even a decent adventure, we follow the Pareto sisters on a pretty perilous journey doing what they do best – solving mysteries! Very happy to be sharing my review of the first book in what will be a trilogy by P.E. Klein!

About the book

In a neighborhood plagued by unseen terror, two sisters hold the key to outwitting a dark adversary before their lives unravel.

Ever heard of Fenton Pareto? He’s only the coolest private investigator around. But when the Bay Area turns into a nightmare of disappearing jewels, tormented pets, and mysteriously glitching cellphones, even he needs some backup. Enter Charlie and Clarke Pareto, his super-smart daughters, ready to take on the mystery that’s stumping their dad.

Think you’ve got what it takes to crack the code? Then strap in for a rollercoaster ride with the Pareto sisters, as they match wits with a remote enemy who’s controlling the chaos like a puppet master. And just when you think it couldn’t get crazier, the sisters get framed for a crime they didn’t commit!

But, how are the sisters supposed to clear their names while dodging booby traps, weaponized music, and dangerous QR codes? With a hefty dose of courage, a dash of stubbornness, and a custom-made secret weapon – their razor-sharp minds.

The beginning

I know a great writer when I see one and THIS is one author I’ll be keeping a close eye on! The opening to this book was filled with a type of language and tone that simply delighted my brain, and thankfully, this is what we were getting throughout the whole book. A mix of really intelligent humour with incredible vocabulary which just fitted the theme of the book perfectly. It was a style that felt so different, fresh and exciting. I loved it! We’re introduced to numerous interesting characters over the first few chapters, especially Fenton Pareto, a private investigator, and his two young daughters, Charlie and Clarke, who would soon take over their father’s latest case and put a whole different spin on things. For children so young, they certainly seem like they have significantly higher-than-average IQs and they don’t speak like your average 11 year old. However, this just added to the charm and uniqueness. I seemed to smile so often while reading, especially whenever something witty popped out of Charlie or Clarke’s mouth. Just such clever writing!

“I don’t completely understand you. But is it even important for us to fully understand one another?”

Each character we meet is so colourful, so full of personality. Every paragraph of description is so vivid that you can easily visualise each scene play out in your mind. The whole reading experience was excellent. The first case the Pareto girls take on is Laura Marcum’s missing jewellery, which certainly mixes up their caseload a bit after agreeing to look into a noisy dog keeping everyone in the vicinity awake. I loved how these young girls were trusted to do the work of a normal adult, how much confidence their father, Fenton, has in them to get the job done to a high standard. I’ll admit, I found some chapters hard to get my head around at first as there’s so much happening all of the time, but even if I had to reread parts some of the time to fully understand them and to follow the plot, doing so felt really rewarding. The opening to the book was really strong and I knew we’d be in for an eventful journey with these characters!

The middle

The mystery elements to the book were written really well, each scene keeping me curious and fascinated with what the girls discover, as well as keeping that humorous tone I loved. With each clue and each piece of information the girls gather, I felt so invested, like I was a third sister joining the Pareto’s on their mystery solving quest! The dialogue was great, each conversation they had made me think and analyse things which I loved. It’s a mystery book, this is what they should be like! I loved Emma’s involvement with the girls’ endeavours and how she keeps them on task whilst ensuring they’re looked after. I really liked her character and felt she brought a lot to the book, even complementing the Pareto girls’ characters. Learning Charlie is launching her own operation to get their mother and father back together after a divorce caught me off-guard and actually made me a tad emotional. The lengths she was going to in order to made this a success made my eyes water!

“Emma shook her head. Restraining influence? What a load of… You don’t know what’s best for your parents. We often don’t know what’s best for ourselves.

There were a few instances where we’re given bonus content at the end of a chapter, but we are literally told this half way through reading said chapters which felt strange and took me out of the story a little. I tried to overlook this the best I could, but I did appreciate the extra content to enrich the story further. Despite the humour and mystery running all the way through, there’s actually danger and uncertainty which surprised me, but in the best possible way. I found myself worrying about characters, becoming concerned for their welfare, wanting to protect them in whatever they did. The author’s words just bring everything to life in an effortless way, each scene capturing and holding your attention, which must have been hard to do with the length of this book! The girl’s case regarding the barking dogs got more and more interesting as time went on and I loved digging deeper into the hows and whys, the suspects, the suspicion, all of it. All the research the sisters carried out impressed me no end. It makes me want to be a detective even more!

The end

I wasn’t sure Emma and the girls could get into any more sticky situations but after arrests, bloody injuries and brief kidnapping, I was proven wrong! Things became tense as we venture deeper into a web of mystery and secrets, but if I was honest, I felt in my element. There were some really strange and random moments scattered here, there and everywhere, and I felt like you could see a lot of the author’s personality in all this. I like weird. I like strange. And the further we got into the book and the closer we got to the ending, it really did escalate! Development of these characters throughout the book was great, but I especially loved Emma’s transition from being a newbie in her new role, to being an important and knowledgeable part of the Pareto’s investigations. By this point, we’d met a lot of characters, and maybe there were a few too many to keep track of for my liking, but it wasn’t a negative by any means. I guess they were all needed to an extent with how far and wide the Pareto investigations span!

“Your thoughts and actions should not be restricted to the single-minded and steadfast pursuit of your objectives but should dynamically consider how your moves could trigger a range of responses. Setbacks will invite frequent and sobering reassessments of your underlying strategy and vulnerabilities.”

There were so many fast-paced and unexpected scenes at the end of the book which really brought everything together; it had all been executed so well. The final few chapters were as tense and as action-packed as I hoped they’d be, but it did feel as though it was drawn out much longer than it could have been. However, saying that, I also understand that a lot of loose ends needed tying! Every (good) character did what they needed to do to find the answers they’d been searching for, the epilogue answering a lot of questions and giving us so much extra detail about the characters and what life held for them after solving the case. It was a really satisfying ending, especially since I spent so long getting to know these characters. After such an explosive first book, I can’t even imagine which direction the author will take in the next two books in this series, but I’m sure they’ll be just as mesmerising as this book has been!

Overall thoughts

The Invisible Hand is a thrilling, humorous and highly detailed mystery novel which follows the story of the Pareto Sisters on an unforgettable quest. There’s danger, quirky characters and surprises around every corner, but most importantly, it was a ton of fun, more so than I expected it to be! The vivid description and the sometimes completely bonkers scenes felt just what I wanted to read right now. The book is longer than I’d normally like and sometimes it can get overly complex and a bit confusing if your attention isn’t 100% on those pages, but definitely stick with it. It’s worth it! If you like a mystery you can really get your teeth into but need those fun elements to lighten the load, then this is definitely for you.

You can grab your own copy of The Invisible Hand over on Amazon right now. Check out my interview with author P.E. Klein here!

Story Merchant E-Book Deal: FREE February 17 - February 21 - The Invisible Hand: A Pareto Sisters Mystery by P.E. Klein

In a neighborhood plagued by unseen terror, two sisters hold the key to outwitting a dark adversary before their lives unravel.

Ever heard of Fenton Pareto? He's only the coolest private investigator around. But when the Bay Area turns into a nightmare of disappearing jewels, tormented pets, and mysteriously glitching cellphones, even he needs some backup. Enter Charlie and Clarke Pareto, his super-smart daughters, ready to take on the mystery that's stumping their dad.

Think you've got what it takes to crack the code? Then strap in for a rollercoaster ride with the Pareto sisters, as they match wits with a remote enemy who's controlling the chaos like a puppet master. And just when you think it couldn't get crazier, the sisters get framed for a crime they didn't commit!

But, how are the sisters supposed to clear their names while dodging booby traps, weaponized music, and dangerous QR codes? With a hefty dose of courage, a dash of stubbornness, and a custom-made secret weapon - their razor-sharp minds.

The Invisible Hand is the first heart-stopping book in an epic trilogy, where the Pareto sisters dive headfirst into a world of secrets, danger, and shocking discoveries. Inspired by the author's own experiences in Menlo Park, California, this story will have you flipping pages like there's no tomorrow.

So buckle up, detective, and remember: in this game, nothing is as it seems.

Author Spotlight: An Interview with Leo Daughtry


What inspired you to write “Talmadge Farm?”

I lived through changing times, particularly the 1950s when there was

nearly complete segregation in the South, especially in rural areas.

Sharecropping was common, and women did not divorce in those times

because it was considered demeaning, a failure. Then in the 1960s,

everything began to change. Sharecropping disappeared, birth control

entered the picture, and women could live life with more freedom and less

dependence on men.


Can you tell us more about your family history and its connection to

North Carolina and tobacco? How did this environment influence your

writing? Beyond the direct associations with tobacco and North

Carolina, are there more subtle aspects of your upbringing and family

history that influenced your writing? 

Tobacco was king in North Carolina. People practically worshiped it. Where

I grew up, it put food on the table. Cotton was more up and down, but

tobacco provided financial stability, not just for farmers but for the whole

community. My family grew tobacco, sold fertilizer and seed, and managed

a tobacco auction. It was our whole world.


You have had a successful career as a lawyer and an Air Force

Captain before that. What prompted you to pursue writing fiction? 

I always had the idea for this particular story in my head. The 1950s and

1960s were two decades that changed the world, and a farm with

sharecroppers is a bit of a pressure cooker environment. You have the

farm owner’s family – in many cases people of wealth and entitlement –

living just down the driveway from the sharecropping families. The

sharecroppers were poor and had limited options, so they felt stuck living

on a farm that didn’t belong to them doing backbreaking work with no way

out. It’s a situation that lends itself to drama: families with major differences

in class/race/socioeconomic status living in such close proximity to one



How has the landscape of tobacco farming changed, and how did you

incorporate those changes into the plot of “Talmadge Farm?” 

Probably the biggest change was the shift from sharecropping to migrant

workers. Today, tobacco farmers are large corporations that use migrant

workers as laborers. But in the 1950s, farming relied almost completely on

sharecropping, which was a hard life. Tobacco farming is physically

demanding work, and sharecroppers needed the help of all family members

to complete the various steps – planting, seeding, suckering, priming,

worming, and cropping – of harvesting the crop. Sharecroppers at one farm

would help sharecroppers at the neighboring farm because they did not

have the resources to hire extra people. In the 1950s, sharecroppers were

unable to get credit anywhere but at the general store and maybe the feed

store. They truly lived hand to mouth all the time, only able to pay their

debts after the tobacco auction in the fall. Hence the phrase “sold my soul

to the company store.” Sharecroppers often turned to moonshining as a

way to make extra money. 

As I describe in the novel, sharecropping began to disappear in the 1960s

as children of sharecroppers started taking advantage of new opportunities

that the changing society offered. Migrant workers took over the labor of

farming. In addition to labor changes, new machinery improved the

industry. N.C. State was instrumental in developing advances in the

farming world. Legislation changed and farmers were allowed to have

acreage allotments outside of the land they owned. I touch on all of these

changes in the novel.


Are any of the characters in your book based on real people? 

Not really. The closest characters to real people in my life are the

characters of Jake and Bobby Lee. Jake is a Black teenager who wants to

escape farm life and ends up running away to Philadelphia to become a

success. Bobby Lee is a young Black soldier stationed at Fort Bragg. On

the farm where I grew up, there was a Black sharecropping family with four

sons, the youngest of whom was my age. We were very good friends. All of

the boys were bright and athletic, could fix anything, yet were limited in

their opportunities. They didn’t have a school to go to or a job to look

forward to. Their only options were to stay on the farm or join the army. The

character of Gordon, while not based on any one person, reminds me of a

lot of men I knew who did not treat women well, who were racist, who

enjoyed the status quo and were resistant to anything that threatened their

way of life. 


In addition to the changing tobacco farming methodologies, the 1950s

ushered in a period of profound social change, marked notably by the

introduction of credit cards. How did these outside factors impact

farming, and in what ways did they inform the development of the plot

in “Talmadge Farm?” 

In the novel, Gordon is the president of the local bank, yet he resists the

advances in the banking industry, including credit cards and car loans and

the incursion of national banks into rural communities. Gordon’s father, who

founded the bank, was a brilliant man adept at navigating the bank through

changing times, but Gordon simply doesn’t have the smarts to see what’s

coming, and no one can get through to him. He’d rather play a round of golf

than look at the balance sheet. So between the changing farming

landscape and the evolution of new banking practices, Gordon is getting

squeezed from both sides of the ledger as it were. It proves to be his

downfall. I think that’s one of the great strengths of the plot – how

everything is tied to everything else.


How did other social changes – including race relations – impact the

tobacco industry and your writing? 

In the 1960s, the minority labor pool available to farm tobacco began to dry

up as kids started moving up north or joining the army. We see this in the

novel through the characters of Jake and Bobby Lee. Ella is another

example. She’s the Black teenage daughter of a sharecropping family, and

she hates farm work. She ends up enrolling in a secretarial program and

getting a job at the county clerk’s office, opportunities that were unheard of

in the 1950s.


The Surgeon General issued a groundbreaking report 60 years ago on

the harmful effects of smoking. How did this pivotal moment influence

your approach to writing? What firsthand impacts did you observe

while coming of age among the tobacco farms of North Carolina? 

Most people where I lived didn’t believe the Surgeon General was accurate

in that report. Most everyone smoked. People viewed it as the government

coming in and trying to tell us what to do. A prevailing theme was that the

government was trying to get rid of tobacco but wasn’t doing anything

about alcohol. One notable exception I remember is that good athletes in

the 1950s were discouraged from smoking, so maybe the coaches were on

to something that the rest of us weren’t ready to hear yet. In the novel, we

see Gordon’s constant frustration at what he views as interference from the

government, while other characters, mostly ones involved in the medical

community, begin to appreciate that smoking was bad for one’s health.


How did you address the plight of women in the novel? 

In the 1950s, women were very limited in their opportunities. There were

very few professional opportunities for women outside of teaching, nursing,

and working as a secretary. Divorce was scandalous and unheard of in

those days. We see lots of examples of this in the novel. But of all the

characters, it’s two of the women who have the clearest moral compasses:

Claire, Gordon’s wife, and Ivy, the Talmadges’ maid. Both of them see

more clearly than anyone else where Gordon is going off the deep end, but

they are nearly powerless to do anything about it.


The novel touches on themes of privilege, racial injustice, and the

struggle for autonomy and dignity. How did you navigate these

sensitive topics while crafting the narrative, and what challenges did

you encounter along the way? 

I lived through this time, and I witnessed first-hand people who enjoyed

privilege that was unearned as well as racial injustices that denied Black

people access to the same opportunities as white people. And yet most

people – white and Black – were simply striving to make a better life in an

honorable way. I tried to infuse all of the characters in “Talmadge Farm”

with dignity and humanity, even Gordon, who finally gets his comeuppance

in the end.


The novel is described as a "love letter to the American South." Can

you expand on this sentiment? 

As I look back on my childhood, in many ways it was a wonderful time to

grow up. It was safe. We never locked our doors. Our whole life existed just

in that area; it was a long trip traveling to Raleigh, which was only 60

minutes away. There was a strong sense of community, of church, of taking care of each other


Ultimately, what do you hope readers will take away from “Talmadge


I mainly hope they will be entertained by a great story about three families

who called Talmadge Farm home during the tumultuous times of the



What impact do you aspire for the book to have on discussions about

history, identity, and resilience in the American South? 

We have now moved on from the post-Civil War time and the Jim Crow

period to a place where we’re beginning to find our identity as a state and

region. In the 1950s, North Carolina was one of the poorest states in the

country. Our economy was dependent primarily on tobacco farming but

also textiles and furniture making, none of which paid a living wage. 

Segregation was rampant, and minorities had few opportunities to improve

their lot in life. Our university graduates who studied computer science and

technology ended up leaving the state to find jobs in those industries. That

all began to change in the 1960s with the enforcement of desegregation,

the advent of birth control, and changes in farming regulations and


Another major turning point in our state’s economy was when

Governor Hodges convinced IBM to move from New York to North Carolina

as part of the development of the Research Triangle Park. A large number

of technology and pharmaceutical companies followed suit, and there was

a ripple effect that extended across the state, even to areas like Hobbsfield,

our fictional town in “Talmadge Farm.” My hope is that reading this novel

will help people understand how we got to where we are today.

via Celtic Lady 

Author Spotlight: Luck of the Irish Leads to Hollywood Deal


Luck of the Irish

Leads to Hollywood Deal


AN AUTHOR from Weston-super-Mare has published her third novel after pitching to Emmy-nominated Hollywood producer, Ken Atchity.

Vicki FitzGerald, a former regional journalist, and PR company director followed her dreams to become a published author in 2017, with her debut crime thriller, Briguella.

Two years later, the mum-of-two flew to the Dublin Writers Conference to pitch her second draft manuscript, Kill List, for a novel adaption into a movie or TV series.

Vicki was selected from 50 people for the final ten to pitch again to Ken and Binnur Karaevli, writer and producer.

Ken, who has produced more than 30 Hollywood movies, including sci-fi shark blockbuster, The Meg, loved the concept and published Kill List via Story Merchant Books.

Vicki said: “When the conference organizer approached me and said my name was the only one given to him by Ken for a film treatment, I was stunned.

“I prepared the plot breakdown and several months later, while recuperating in hospital from multiple leg fractures, my dreams come true. Ken offered to publish Kill List.

“Good things come to those who wait and are brave enough to chase their dreams.”

Kill List has already attracted five-star reviews since publication on March 24, 2021. The pair are finalizing the film treatment to pitch to Hollywood agents.

Ken said: “Kill List is an extremely high concept idea, and those do not come around often. I believe it has the potential to make a fantastic series adaption, possibly spanning several seasons.”

Kill List, Briguella, and Vicki’s memoir, Still Standing, are all set in Weston and feature landmarks and locations across North Somerset.

About Vicki FitzGerald

After a decade as a journalist, Vicki founded the South West public relations firm, Paramount PR, which focused on tourism and the hospitality industries before committing to writing full-time. She has now published three novels and is working on the fourth.

Story Merchant E-Book Deal: Kill List by Vicki Fitzgerald

FREE February 3 - February 7!

"This woman is clearly REALLY twisted, and frankly scares me." 

Bestselling author, ADAM CROFT.

Emilia has a secret hobby; killing. 

She’s hunting the Dark Web gamers who stole her life. 

The players underestimated Emilia’s will to survive and her thirst for vengeance. It’s her game now. Her rules, her kill list, and she’s an unlikely accomplice teaching her how to get away with murder. 

But revenge has a price that’s breath-taking and disturbing. 

Can Emilia overcome betrayal and tragedy to settle the score and end the game?